
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Corned Beef and Cabbage Cooked in Beer

My St. Patrick's Day dinner
I love corned beef and cabbage. This is an easy recipe that make a flavorful broth. It does take some time because corned beef is a tough cut of meat. When I researched this dish, I was surprised that it is not a traditional Irish dish. It is a traditional Irish-American dish. It certainly is a tradition for my family.
The corned beef is cooked for hours in beer. So the beer you chose is critical. I really like the seasonal Irish Ales for this dish. The flavors in the Irish Ales really go with the corned beef pickling spices. Not to mention your house will smell divine!

I used Samuel Adam's Irish Red. I also recommend:  Boulevard's Irish Ale, Conway's Irish Ale, Brian Boru Old Irish Red, Casco Bay Riptide Red Ale, Diamond Bear Brewing Company's Irish Red (year round), and McIlhenney's Irish Red Ale (year round). If I left off a beer you think would work well in this recipe, please let me know in the comments.

Corned Beef and Cabbage

2-3 Pounds (1-1.5 kg) of Corned Beef
36 oz. (a little over 1L) of Irish Ale
1 Tsp of Dry Mustard
3 Sprigs of Thyme
3 Carrots (105 g), Peeled and Chopped in Large Pieces
2 Potatoes (400g), Peeled and Cut in Quarters
4 Cabbage Quarters

Place corned beef (rubbed with spice packet), in a large pot and pour in beer.

Add the dry mustard and sprigs of thyme and  water so that the corned beef is covered in liquid. Simmer for 90 minutes.

Add carrots and potatoes and cook for 30 minutes.

Add cabbage, cover, and cook for 20-30 minutes until the cabbage is tender.

Once the cabbage is tender, remove the corned beef and slice. Serve with cabbage, potatoes and carrots. Serve with mustard and horseradish, if desired.

Bottom line: Will I make this again? Yes, I think the beer makes an incredible broth. Next time I am going to brine the corned beef myself.

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