
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Grilled Garlic Shrimp with Herbs

Grilled garlic shrimp with fresh herbs
Today I came across some beautiful wild caught gulf shrimp.  They were screaming "Grill me!" So I brought them and the pondering began. What to do with them. First, of course I deveined them with a pair of my kitchen shears. Next I went to the garden and selected some fresh herbs. The rest is dinner history....

1.5 lbs (.7 kg) Large (21/25 Count) Wild Caught Shrimp
1 Cup (60 g) of Fresh Parsley
1/4 Cup (11 g) of Fresh Basil
1 Tbsp of Fresh Rosemary
5 Cloves of Garlic
2 Tbsp of Olive Oil
1/8 Tsp of Ground Black Pepper

Herbs fresh from our garden
Combine the parsley leaves, basil leaves, rosemary leaves and garlic in a food processor and process until finely chopped.  Add the olive oil and pepper and process until a paste is formed.
Herb and garlic paste for the shrimp
Devein shrimp with kitchen shears while leaving the shells on.
Deveining the shrimp
Stuff the mixture under the shells of the shrimp, leaving the shells intact.
Placing the herb mixture under the shrimp shells
Grill 3-5 minutes each side. (We used a piece of foil as our grill basket.)
Shrimp ready for the grill
 The bottom line: Will I make these again? Yes, I will. These were great. The flavors really combined well with the shrimp. Next time I think I will change the herbs I use. Maybe I will use some dill or cilantro.

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