
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Honey Cinnamon Apples

I love my apple peeler
Did I mention that I have a lot of apples? I do. I made apple butter for Steven and then I made dehydrated apples for me. Dehydrated apples are brilliant; they are tasty and keep for a long time (not that they last long enough for me to find out). I have an old fashioned apple peeler, corer, and slicer which cuts the work in half.

Honey Cinnamon Apples
6 Apples, Peeled, Cored, and Sliced
2 Cups of Water
2 Tbsp of Lemon Juice
1/2 Cup of Honey
1 Tbsp of Cinnamon

Whisk together water, lemon juice, honey, and cinnamon in a bowl.
Yummy dipping sauce (there will be a lot left over so I use it for apple sauce)
Dip apple slices in the bowl and lay in a single layer on a dehydrator (or a cookie sheet).
Apples in the dehydrator
The time necessary for dehydration depends on how thick your apple slices are so check every so often. Turn dehydrator on and dehydrate for 12-24 hours until apple slices are leathery but still flexible. If you are using the oven, place the apples on cookie sheets and dehydrate at 150F/65C/ Gas Mark 1 for 10-20 hours or until the apple slices are leathery but still flexible. If you are using the oven, move the trays around and flip the apple slices periodically.
Save the left over dipping sauce for homemade applesauce.
How could I say no to this face?
The bottom line: Will I make this again? Yes! We were opening the dehydrator eating these before they were even done. So easy and so good and they make the house smell divine.

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