
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Finished apple sauce
My daughter, Katie, used to love applesauce. I don't know what happened but applesauce has fallen out of favor. I love applesauce, especially with potato pancakes. I am hoping that Katie will like homemade applesauce. I will even serve it with potato pancakes. With my luck she will decide she no longer likes potato pancakes. Wait... that is not necessarily a bad thing. That means more for me.
Since we are rich in apples, I decided to make enough to can. The toughest part about applesauce is deciding what spices to use. The rest is really easy.  My family loves cinnamon so I made our applesauce with lots of cinnamon (that was the no-brainer part).  I decided to use the leftover dip from the dehydrated apples for the apple sauce.
This mixtures makes the apple sauce
Left Over Dipping Sauce from Honey Cinnamon Apples (1 Tbsp of Cinnamon, 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice, 1/2 Cup of Honey, 2 Cups of Water)
6 Apples, Cored and Sliced

Dump the apples and the dipping sauce into a saucepan and heat on low until apples are tender. I cook mine for about an hour. There should not be much liquid remaining in the saucepan.
Cooking the apples

Cool slightly and process through a food mill or in a food processor or mash with a fork.
In the food processor
Since I keep the skins on my apples (I think the skins add a lot of flavor), I process mine in a food processor. That's it! Easy, easy, easy!

The bottom line: Will I make this again? Yes, it is wonderful! I froze some for this winter. I am going to have it with my potato pancakes.

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