
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sweet and Sour Mix- Just in Time for Your Holiday Parties!

Whiskey sour
 I have tried bottled sweet and sour mixes, and I intensely dislike them. I just don't think they are any good, and I think they ruin a drink. (I know-- how to really feel about this?)  Once you try a drink made with homemade sweet and sour mix you won't use the bottled stuff again. It doesn't take long to make and it makes all the difference in the world. Have I convinced you yet?
I use two different recipes one with all lemons and one with limes and lemons. I think the one with lemons and limes is best. I make the all lemon version whenever I make limoncello and have all of those zested lemons. You can actually cut out a step by using superfine sugar and water (that way you don't have to heat the water to dissolve the sugar).

Sweet and Sour Mix

3 Cups Sugar
3 Cups Water
3 Cups Lemon Juice (About 12-14 Lemons) or 2 Cups Lemon Juice and 2 Cups Lime Juice

Heat the sugar and water in a small saucepan until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup and add the juice. Cool completely before using. The sweet and sour mix will last up to a week in the refrigerator.

Amaretto Sour

One Shot of Amaretto
Sweet and Sour Mix

Fill a glass with ice. Add a shot of amaretto and fill the remainder of the glass with sweet and sour mix.

Whiskey Sour

One Shot of Whiskey
Sweet and Sour Mix

Fill a glass with ice. Add a shot of whiskey and fill the remainder of the glass with sweet and sour mix.
Kiddie Cocktail
Kiddie Cocktail

Sweet and Sour Mix
Splash of Grenadine

Fill a glass with ice. Fill the glass with sweet and sour mix and add a splash of grenadine.

The bottom line: is it worth the time to make the sweet and sour mix from scratch? Yes it is worth the time to juice all of those lemons.

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