
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pearl Couscous and Lima Beans

Lima bean couscous
Believe it or not I have a child who loves lima beans. (Yes, we are growing them this year in our garden; we are also growing beets). She does not like peas unless they are fresh from the garden (like she picked them and immediately ate them). If you don't like lima beans just substitute peas. If you have fresh use fresh. If not use frozen please do not used canned. Also this is a recipe for pearl or Israeli couscous. I use homemade broth instead of canned. I make broth in large batches and freeze it.

3 Tbsp of Olive Oil or Butter
2 Cups (372 g) of Israeli or Pearl Couscous
1 1/2 Cups (270 g) of Lima Beans or Peas
3 1/2 Cups (840 ml) of Chicken or Vegetable Broth
Salt and Pepper to Taste
Small Handful of  Basil, Thinly Sliced

Heat oil or butter in large sauce pan over medium high heat. Add couscous and stir for 3-5 minutes until couscous's is stating to turn brown.
Sauteing couscous

Add beans/pas and broth. Add salt and pepper. Reduce heat to a simmer and simmer (stirring occasionally) until broth is absorbed about 10 - 15 minutes.
Finishing the couscous
 Add basil. Serve.

The bottom line: will I make this again? Yes, I just bought some more pearl couscous. It is a wonderful spring dish.

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