
Friday, October 21, 2011

Halloween Marshmallows (Amaretto Flavored)

A bat shaped marshmallow
These are so easy to make and so much better than store bought. We used our standard marshmallow recipe available here: Homemade Marshmallows.
We have a family debate every time I make marshmallows over which flavoring to use and whether or not to add food coloring. We decided not to add food coloring. If you are going to use food coloring add it right after you add the oh so hot mixture to the gelatin.
After much discussion, we decided on amaretto flavored marshmallows. We substituted 3 teaspoons of amaretto and 1 teaspoon of almond extract for the vanilla extract.

Once the marshmallows were made, I "poured" them into a large baking pan that had been greased and coated with a mixture of powdered sugar and corn starch. I let the marshmallow sit out uncovered overnight. In the morning I figured out which cookie cutters I was going to use. I sprayed part of the cookie cutters with cooking spray and part were dipped in the corn starch powdered sugar mixture. I wanted to see which cookie cutters worked better. Surprisingly, there really wasn't a noticeable difference.
It took some work to get the cookie cutters to cut through all of the marshmallows
Instead of trying to pull the marshmallows out with the cookie cutters, I decided to remove the marshmallows around the cookie cutters. It worked like a charm.
Removing the marshmallows around the cookie cutters worked well
The result is Halloween shaped marshmallows. After pushing the marshmallows out of the cookie cutters, I dipped the edges in the corn starch and powdered sugar mixture. The leftover pieces will be used for hot cocoa.
Halloween shaped marshmallows

The bottom line: Will I make these again. Yes, my daughter begs me to make these. I think the Christmas marshmallows will be peppermint flavored. For Katie's birthday she will probably have her name in purple marshmallows on top of her cake. The possibilities are endless.

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